Based on Medical Science,Infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to achieve conception after 1 year of regular,

Based on Medical Science,Infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to achieve  conception after 1 year of regular, unprotected intercourse with adequate frequency( 2 to 3 times in a week/ every alternate day)


!. Primary –Couple who have never conceived.

2.Secondary—Couple who conceived previously but failure to conceive subsequently.

Let us know about conception-

Conception is the iniciation of pregnancy or union/fusion of Spermatozoon ( male gamet) & ovum (female gamet)  at the ampulary part of uterine /fallopian tube to form a  Zygot,(single cell) ..Zygot contains both the paternal& maternal genetic materials Zygot rapidly starts dividing, growing & ultimately become new baby. So,life starts from the Zygot.

We have to know the sources of spermatozoon & ovum. Testicles & ovaries are the source of male & female gamet respectively.Testiclec are two glands lying within the male scrotum( Normal site) On the other hand,Ovaries are 2 small oval shaped female organs attached to either side of uterus

The Gender of a baby depends on which type of sperm fertilise (meet /unite/fuse) the  egg.Sperm with Y chromosome will make a boy baby.& Sperm with a X chromosome will make a girl baby.So, it is the male partner of a couple is responsible for boy or girl baby. We should bear this concept in mind & give up blaming female for girl baby.It is also helpful to avoid remarry many womens  or divorce the existing female by males.

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